Sunday, November 23, 2008

Highlights of Shan Khoon's Mad Party~ Yeah!


+++Thanks to Mr HamSapLou (Ernest Seow) for the photos...xD+++

This party is held on 14th November 2008, Shan Khoon's Birthday.. And you know? Siapa birthday, kena gangbang xD.

So, in the college, we planned to gangbang him. Planned to make him angry while playing basketball. But than, it fails. I don't really know why (because I prepared for the party). Maybe Ernest is too noob to make him angry...HAHA! (joking XD).

Anyway, after they came back from basketball court. We purposely make him the last one who went to bath. While he's bathing, we set up the whole thing and prepare the cake. So, when he came out, suprise!! Happy birthday!!
After blowing cake, we pushed the candles into the cake and challenged him to take it out by his mouth (this is not Fear Factor though), and this is what happens :

Kiss the cakes...Muax~~

Actually, I planned to smash his head into the cake but then my friends disagreed, they scared got bacteria later..HAHAHA!!! xD

His cake~ Yummy

Guru, you very cool izzit?? Zzzz...

The brown monkey laughs!! HAHAHA!! XDDDD

From left : Looking at? (Soh), The Monkey Style (Lee), Don't stare at mine! (Derek), Acting Cool (Me)

You guys rocks!! So lovely and romantic =)

The 1805 gang. The most coolest guy goes to.........(see leftmost)

Ok...enough for the pics, after blowing cake, Shan Khoon sang some songs to his gf. And then

The Most Interesting Part : Truth or Dare!

Summary - Everyone kena. But then, we have some interesting ones :

  • Lee (Dare) - Dances like a monkey on stage, which parellels himself xD
  • Ying Yi Jie (Dare, 2nd time) - Shouts, "I love Casa Subang!!! I love Taylor's!! I love ICPU!!" Do you guys hear it that night? If so, this is the source xD
  • Yi Heng (Dare) - Shouts "I'm a gay" 3 times through the window
  • Thilagesh (Dare) - Drinks a special recipe by Monkey. Dunno he got "lau sai" or not that night xD
  • Elaine (Dare) - The last one who kena. Delivers pizza the 1811. But then, while she was talking to a "1811 people", she laughed while talked. Later we found out that guy is........NASIR!!!! Zzz...

And lastly........

  • Ernest!! (Dare) - HAHA!! Guess what? He swings his underwear on stage!!! HAHA...We got the video xD....coming soon....

That's all folks!! More wild parties coming!!! xD


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