Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I have no idea what's the topic going to be


Crap! Crap! Crap! It's been so long that I crap. Many things happened this few days. TOO many till got no time to blog! XD

Class is growing well, but still, my classmates all diam-diam one... sien..~

Got some people start to get crazy already laa (You know who you are :P) but still, kinda bored and sleepy when attending ALL classes except ah ben... haha.. because ah ben listen to my craps! :P Only ah ben class you do all the talking, the rest all, the teacher are talking.. and we just.. keep quiet... AND SLEEP!! LOL

Yesterday and today, guess what? I woke up at 5.15 am.. wahaha.. For the first time in history since I left my secondary school. (at secondary I also wake up at 5.40 laa..LOL). Remember that I wake up at 8 am last semester... this time... 5!!! Actually, I go to church. =) Morning prayer. Praise the LORD. Hallelujah!!!

Poor RapidKL that is going to bankrupt soon because I no longer board their bus!! Hahaha..:P The timetable fault laaa... LOL

Hey, hey what am I doing here? Go do physics!! Go... GO!!!!


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